Category: Homestead

Can You Induce a Hen to Go Broody?

Given the talk of food supply disruptions, I was especially eager that one of our hens (unimaginatively named “Broody”) would hatch another clutch of eggs. Last year, she got the mood in July. Could I coax her into sitting earlier?…

Eat the (semi)weeds: Daylily

If empty store shelves have you thinking of gardening, maybe you already have some edibles growing around your house. Daylilies sprout so early in springtime that they often come up through the snow. They are a semi-wild edible available long…

Ancient Survival Food: Hominy

If SHTF lasts longer than your stored food, you will have to survive on what you can grow. The Native Americans survived and thrived on a limited diet. You can too! A key component in their diet was hominy (in…