Category: Gardening

Building a Hügelkultur raised bed

For a while now, I’ve wanted to try out some Hügelkutur in my gardening. This Spring provided an opportunity. This post is a step-by-step of my experiment. I’m always looking for where else around the property I might grow things.…

Seed Saver Challenge: Cabbage

Bi-annuals like onions and cabbage are a challenge for seed saving because they don’t make seeds until their second year. While it is more involved than simple annuals like tomatoes, beans, corn, etc., it can be done. Where to Begin…

Eat the (semi)weeds: Daylily

If empty store shelves have you thinking of gardening, maybe you already have some edibles growing around your house. Daylilies sprout so early in springtime that they often come up through the snow. They are a semi-wild edible available long…