Category: Commentary

Empty Shelves & Crowd-Think

Over the last week, especially, masses of people have descended on local stores like Biblical locust plagues, stripping shelves bare. Is such Hoarding Fever rational? The dynamics are murky but the solution is clear: don’t let The Fever get you. …

Media rediscover grid vulnerability

Every now and then, someone in the American media rediscovers how vulnerable our modern life is because it is dependent upon grid power. Doug MacKinnon’s “Will you survive the coming blackout?” is the recent iteration. His article appeared on Fox…

What About The Poor, post-SHTF: Solutions from the 1800s

After the Mad Max, kill-or-be-killed, zombie apocalypse phase of SHTF has passed, the survivors will not emerge equal. There will be the new “rich” (the preppers) and the new “poor” – those who survived with little or nothing. With the…

Modern slavery on MLK Day

While cutting up a downed maple tree today, ( the pond was frozen), I was musing about the subtlety of modern slavery. An editorial in the Sunday paper cited some very brief quotes from Alexis de Tocqueville regarding freedom and the…

Grid Vulnerability

EMPs or CMEs are statistical possibilities but hackers are a lot more plentiful and therefore a lot more likely to be the cause of the grid going down. There was a recent (9/06/17) story in the online WIRED magazine (link…