Category: SHTF

Coal in a wood stove?

Could you burn coal in your wood stove as an alternate fuel? The answer is a qualified yes. As an experiment, I bought a bag of coal and gave it a try. Here is what I learned. First, a little…

Fruit Thieves!

Even if you’re good at growing your own food, bad weather or thieves could steal your harvest: everything you planned for winter provisions. Fruit thieves struck the homestead this summer. This year, our most productive apple tree had set a…

Survival Kits: Designed to do what?

Preppers build their survival kits based on what they anticipate needing if SHTF. So, when a friend gave me a set of USAF Survival Modules, I was intrigued to see what the Air Force thought their air crew would need,…

Prepper Lessons from Puerto Rico’s Hurricane

Even if you don’t live in a hurricane zone, what happened to the people of Puerto Rico — even months after the initial hurricane damage — holds several useful lessons for the attentive prepper. The storm trashed the island’s power…