For many preppers out there, how to “go” sustainably after SHTF, is potentially a big problem. Bugging in is a popular strategy but many homes depend on municipal sewer and water. Where do you “go” when your toilets stop working?…
What do you do when springtime has your chickens laying more eggs than you can (or should) eat? We give some away, but I’m also saving my surplus for next winter when the hens stop laying. I am making powdered eggs. If you have a dehydrator, you can too!
If you grow a garden to be less dependent upon industrial food, or as a survival skill, a useful exercise is to try making a meal out of only what you grew in your garden. We have become so accustomed…
One of the big concerns during a power outage is that all the food in your fridge will spoil. To prevent that, preppers buy generators. Fridges used so much power that driving them from batteries was not practical…until now. We…
A friend at church wanted to bake sourdough bread. The many articles and YouTube videos he watched intimidated him. So many variables. This “how-to” is to show that fresh homemade sourdough does not need to be all that complicated. I…
Given the talk of food supply disruptions, I was especially eager that one of our hens (unimaginatively named “Broody”) would hatch another clutch of eggs. Last year, she got the mood in July. Could I coax her into sitting earlier?…
Much of what we cook with, what grocery stores sell, comes from far, far away. As an exploration of eating what our land could provide, we made a big pot of what I called Homestead Stew, using only things harvested…
by Mic Roland • • Comments Off on Eat the (semi)weeds: Daylily
If empty store shelves have you thinking of gardening, maybe you already have some edibles growing around your house. Daylilies sprout so early in springtime that they often come up through the snow. They are a semi-wild edible available long…
A gas generator is a great preparedness upgrade, but they have their limitations (i.e. fuel). A small-scale solar setup can help counter that limitation. This post explores how you can level up your preps. A gas generator helps keep life…
If SHTF lasts longer than your stored food, you will have to survive on what you can grow. The Native Americans survived and thrived on a limited diet. You can too! A key component in their diet was hominy (in…