Author: Mic Roland

DIY Sweetness: Maple Syrup

Producing your own food is an important goal. Gardens grow veggies and grains. Hunting (or husbandry) provide meat. Sweetener is another matter. Making your own maple syrup is useful and rewarding. Winter: everything is frozen and buried under snow. It’s…

Chickens In Winter

New Hampshire has gotten a long spell of subzero temperatures lately. We’ve had -10 at the house overnight. Daytime “highs” were in single digits.  While we put on a thicker sweater and sit closer to the wood stove, what about…

Grid Vulnerability

EMPs or CMEs are statistical possibilities but hackers are a lot more plentiful and therefore a lot more likely to be the cause of the grid going down. There was a recent (9/06/17) story in the online WIRED magazine (link…