Freezing and starving aren’t the only problems
The townsfolk of Cheshire have survived the attack of an urban gang and wrestle with ways to cope with a federal embargo on relief supplies. They find a few new sources of food but it is never enough to solve the problem: there won’t be enough food for everyone to survive the winter.

Author’s Notes:
Book 3 continues the story of the Simmons household in the town of Cheshire. Winter is settling in, which poses dangers of its own, above and beyond the problem of food. This book is partially about adapting to a grid-down world, but also about winter survival.
In the classic sense of
The human factor never goes away as a potential problem. Even though the state borders are sealed by the Feds, that does not mean everyone within those borders is going to play fair or work for the betterment of the community. Sometimes, people are as big a problem as the elements.