Cold and flu season is a good time to remember that In a post-SHTF world, you will need more than just food and water. You will need vitamins to stay healthy. Vitamin C is important for a strong immune system. …
Today provided a useful lesson in how the general public will behave just before some impending trouble. Today was also a perfect example of Proverbs 23:3, “The wise see danger ahead and avoid it, but fools keep going and get…
The first snow has fallen and nights here in New Hampshire are in the single digits. How do we help our chickens cope with the harshness of winter? (Hint: we don’t put little sweaters on them) We do, however, take…
For a “survival garden,” it’s hard to beat the Three Sisters — corn, beans, and squash. Their produce stores well and provide balanced nutrition. This year’s experiment with the Sisters turned out rather well. Each sister her own “room” instead…
Sometimes, regular life gives you a chance to practice prepper skills. We recently got an opportunity to practice a sudden vehicular “bug out” without an actual SHTF. Many things went well: a few things will be better next time. It…
We recently got a reminder of how long home-flock eggs can stay viable as food without refrigeration. Good for a prepper to know, eh? The answer is weeks, maybe months. We found a “secret” nest containing 17 eggs that proved…
One young man that I know worried about being unprepared and jumped into prepping with both feet. After a while, he gave up prepping. He could not live his life (as a father of two small kids) in a constant state…
One way to develop a self-sustainable food supply is perennials. Like fruit trees – they produce food every year. An experiment here that is “showing fruit” is our patch of perennial onions. Maybe they’re right for your garden too. The…