One of the big concerns during a power outage is that all the food in your fridge will spoil. To prevent that, preppers buy generators. Fridges used so much power that driving them from batteries was not practical…until now. We…
When a man named Karp Lykov decided that the S had Hit The Fan, he took his family and bugged out to the woods. They stayed out there, undetected, for over 40 years! Their experience has relevant lessons for preppers…
Amassing an emergency supply of rice is easy. Keeping it safe from pests can be a challenge. Rice weevils could compromise your stash of rice and move into other stored grains. Here are some tips on prevention and remediation. This…
Tropical storm Isaias barreled up the Hudson River valley on August 3rd and took out power for over 1.4 million utility customers. Below are the experiences and lessons from two households that deployed their preps to cope. One household, mine,…
A friend at church wanted to bake sourdough bread. The many articles and YouTube videos he watched intimidated him. So many variables. This “how-to” is to show that fresh homemade sourdough does not need to be all that complicated. I…
It’s mid-season and the three sisters are looking pretty good. One of them is looking a little too good. The beans are growing well and the corn is looking good. The squash, however, have taken over. In the traditional Native…
Given the talk of food supply disruptions, I was especially eager that one of our hens (unimaginatively named “Broody”) would hatch another clutch of eggs. Last year, she got the mood in July. Could I coax her into sitting earlier?…
Much of what we cook with, what grocery stores sell, comes from far, far away. As an exploration of eating what our land could provide, we made a big pot of what I called Homestead Stew, using only things harvested…
If empty store shelves have you thinking of gardening, maybe you already have some edibles growing around your house. Daylilies sprout so early in springtime that they often come up through the snow. They are a semi-wild edible available long…