Modern slavery on MLK Day

While cutting up a downed maple tree today, ( the pond was frozen), I was musing about the subtlety of modern slavery. An editorial in the Sunday paper cited some very brief quotes from Alexis de Tocqueville regarding freedom and the…

Cold Snap & Shortages

Around Christmas, the temps dropped to below zero at night: barely cracking single digits during the day. This extended sub-zero cold spell caught me off guard. I nearly ran out of heating oil.  It was also a refresher lesson in…

Prepper Lessons from Puerto Rico’s Hurricane

Even if you don’t live in a hurricane zone, what happened to the people of Puerto Rico — even months after the initial hurricane damage — holds several useful lessons for the attentive prepper. The storm trashed the island’s power…

Chickens In Winter

New Hampshire has gotten a long spell of subzero temperatures lately. We’ve had -10 at the house overnight. Daytime “highs” were in single digits.  While we put on a thicker sweater and sit closer to the wood stove, what about…

Grid Vulnerability

EMPs or CMEs are statistical possibilities but hackers are a lot more plentiful and therefore a lot more likely to be the cause of the grid going down. There was a recent (9/06/17) story in the online WIRED magazine (link…