It’s Been A Year?

There’s been no posts here for exactly a year? What’s up with that? Had I fallen in a volcano? Eaten by cannibals? Or, more seriously, had I just thrown in the blogging towel?  None of the above. Thankfully, especially not the first two.

Posting elsewhere

I will admit to not making as many prepping-topic posts over the past year. More on that below. What I have been posting has gone to my Buy Me A Coffee page and duplicated on my Patreon Page. Links below.

As part of trying promote my books, I had started narrating a chapter a week, starting in Chapter 1 of Book 1. Those, I posted as a podcast, hosted by Podbean. (Link: My goal was two-fold. One, to try to get listeners to click over here to check out the whole book series and, two, to build an audio version of Book 1, one chapter at a time.

Thanks to some sage advice from my friend Todd, I created a Buy Me A Coffee page from which listeners who enjoyed the audio episodes of the Siege stories could do a one-time donation a couple of bucks — like buying a (very small) cup of coffee.  BMAC also has monthly membership options. I turned that on. Members pay me $5 a month. Woohoo, right? Well, maybe not the big cha-ching. It’s only $5.

My blogging friend Brian and my sister were charitable and signed up. Yay, that I had a couple members. But, I needed to give my members something in exchange for their monthly five bucks. So, I began posting content to the BMAC page to give the members some ‘exclusive’ content that the general public couldn’t get for free.

When I heard from one listener that the BMAC site would not come up in her country, but Patreon did, I created a more-or-less duplicate page for Patreon ( and cross-posted content there.

Now You Know

When I had homestead events to blog about, like new chicks hatching, or a bobcat carrying off my best rooster, maple syrup making, etc., those posts went to BMAC/Patreon as member content.

I’d like to still post content here too, but as you can tell from the past year, I tend to get busy with other irons in the fire. In addition to writing Book 6, I’ve been working at creating content for podcast episodes between the Book 6 audio chapter podcasts.

Of course, if you could spare five bucks a month, consider becoming a member at either BMAC or Patreon.

Thanks for your patience.